
PAS vice president: Dorin Recean has all our support


The prime minister-designate Dorin Recean has all the support of the Solidarity and Action Party (PAS), which controls a majority in Parliament. This was stated by MP Radu Marian, PAS vice president.

However, Marian declined to reveal who of the outgoing Cabinet members will make it to the new line-up and who won’t, adding that this will be announced next week.

“Dorin Recean is the President’s proposal and is also supported by the parliamentary majority. He has experience in managing public institutions. He is change-oriented and has expertise in security, and this is the area where we have the biggest challenges. He was Minister of the Interior, he made ambitious changes there, he doubled people’s confidence in the police. He then had the courage to confront the Plahotniuc regime. These past days we have had discussions on the subject of the government team, we are in the process of consultations. Next week everything will be clear. No one is holding on to the armchairs in the current Government and regardless of the situation, everyone is ready to stay in the team and help the country”, Radu Marian said during a special broadcast on ProTV Chisinau.

In the same context, the president of the Dignity and Truth Party, Dinu Plîngău, thinks Natalia Gavrilița's resignation was belated and suggests that it was caused by infighting.

“This is the result of dissensions within the government, but also pressure from society. It is also because of internal failures. The outgoing Cabinet has exceeded all its possibilities to deliver results for society. This decision comes a little late, but it was necessary. There was very bad communication with the public, people did not understand where this Government wanted to go. The nomination of Dorin Recean is not a surprise”, said Dinu Plîngău.
“It’s a tactical maneuver. I think we will witness a change in priorities, there will be an emphasis on security elements, because war generates new security challenges. Another priority will be the economy because the war imposes conditions for a total rethinking of the economy”, said Vadim Pistrinciunc, executive director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives.

Yesterday, President Maia Sandu nominated her security policy adviser Dorin Recean to become prime minister. By law, the premier-designate has 15 days to propose his or her Cabinet, compile a government program and request Parliament’s vote of confidence. Until then, the outgoing Cabinet carries on as a caretaker.