
PAS promises flexible childcare leave and work program


The difference between the average pays of women and men will be reduced to under 10% by ensuring the transparency of the salary, promise candidates of the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) who on June 22 presented a number of initiatives for families, women and children. They said they will encourage the fathers’ participation in the raising of children by ensuring the flexibility of childcare leave, IPN reports.

In a news conference, acting president of the PAS Igor Grosu said that about 1 million Moldovan citizens left home in search of better living conditions and the number of newborns declines annually. Such developments should be stopped. Time has come for the state to support the people who work honestly, not to offer protection to the thieves. “It’s time to invest in the future of our families and children. The PAS will support from Parliament the program of President Maia Sandu – to stop corruption, to relaucnh the economy and to support the families with children and women. Moldova chose a woman President because the citizens praise honesty, work and dedication to work in the interests of the people,” said the MP.

MP Doina Gherman said the PAS will regulate through the Labor Code a flexible work program so that the parents could cope with their responsibilities at home and in the family. It will strengthen the mechanisms for fighting domestic violence and will develop support services for victims of domestic violence. The party promises to continue the programs in support of women in business, including by providing grants and business consulting services. “We strongly believe that financial independence is decisive for a free and strong woman,” noted the MP.

MP Veronica Roșca reminded that the PAS ministers and MPs proposed measures to increase the incomes of families and to offer state support during the pandemic. The Government of Maia Sandu increased the childbirth allowance by 1,600 lei. In the future Parliament, the PAS aims to increase the childbirth allowance to 10,000 lei and the tax exemptions for children by 50%. Another commitment is to renovate at least 500 kindergartens, including with the support of Romania and international partners. They will amend the Labor Code to ensure a flexible work program so that the parents could cope with the professional duties and household chores.

PAS candidate Ana Racu spoke about problematic areas, such as domestic violence, children with special needs and rare diseases, situation of children who are abused physically, psychologically and sexually, children who commit offenses, etc. “I ask you and me: When did you hear discussions on such issues in Parliament the last time? Thousands of people are overlooked, their voice is not heard in Parliament, but their rights should be respected and social protection according to their needs should be ensured in virtue of the national legislation and of the international conventions ratified by our country,” stated Ana Racu.

According to statistics, to which those from the PAS made reference, the annual difference between the pays of women and men in 2020 was 17,079 lei, while the difference in pensions was 5,345 lei.