
PAS, PPDA, PLDM and PL about participation in upcoming parliamentary elections


The candidate in single-member constituencies will be the driving force for the national list in the upcoming parliamentary elections. For this reason, the future electoral bloc ACUM will make effort to field candidates in all the single-member districts. The legal form of the bloc allows for cooperation between the Party “Action and Solidarity” (PAS) and the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” (PPDA), but other political parties can provide candidates who will go through the bloc’s filters. The Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) and the Liberal Party (PL) intend to join the bloc ACUM, but they haven’t yet taken a final decision to this effect. Representatives of the PAS, PPDA, PLDM and PL developed the issue in the talk show “Politics of Natalia Morari” on TV8 channel.

PPDA vice president Alexandru Slusari said the process of compiling the electoral list of the bloc ACUM and those who will join in will be completed by November 30. The largest part of the future candidates of the PPDA and PAS already went through the integrity filters of the Clean Parliament program designed by civil society organizations. “When they give their verdict, we will pass to the second stage – assessment of meritocracy,” he stated.

Virgil Pyslariuc, a member of the PAS Standing Bureau, said it does not matter how many parties form part of the electoral bloc because emphasis will be placed not on the quantity, but on the quality of the electoral list. “We do not combine forces for the sake of parties. It is now a crucial moment in the history of our country. We must issue a signal to all the parties and all the political players so that they realize the gravity of the moment. The next elections will not take place if we do not win now and do not restore democracy at home,” he noted.

PLDM vice president Viorel Cibotaru said the party he represents is ready to take part in the upcoming parliamentary elections together with the bloc ACUM. “Otherwise, I think any lost vote will be to our detriment. The main idea how should be how to prevent this gang from remaining in power, from surviving. Their survival is practically the end of the Republic of Moldova in the form we know today,” stated the politician. He noted an eventual cooperation with the parties of the left for fielding a common candidate is highly improbable.

PL vice president Valeriu Munteanu said the idea that was supported until now is that the PL and PLDM go with the own lists, but the final decision is to be taken within the parties. A meeting of the four parties will be held next week to cement the formula in which they will run in the elections.

Earlier, the four parties announced they could have common candidates in single-member constituencies in the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019.