
PAS MP: Moldova is taken by NATO, EU and U.S. under their wing


The Republic of Moldova is taken by NATO, the European Union and the United States under their wing, PAS MP Oazu Nantoi said after Romanian minister of foreign affairs Bogdan Aurescu announced that Romania will make a contribution of US$750,000 to the Voluntary Fund for Strengthening the Defense Capabilities of the Republic of Moldova. According to representatives of the Moldovan government, the EU member states and NATO realized that Russia is a direct threat to Moldova as well and the risks should be avoided at any cost, IPN reports.

In the meeting of the North Atlantic Council, Bogdan Aurescu said that Romania will provide US$750,000 to Moldova for strengthening its defense capabilities, in addition to the US$600,000 offered last year. The representatives of the PAS government noted the support is welcome when there is an ongoing war on the border.

“The Republic of Moldova is taken by NATO, the European Union and the U.S under their wing. The Republic of Moldova is not a NATO member state, but receives political messages and the actions taken by Romania, NATO, the EU clearly show that the great powers realized that a gray area between the democratic world and the Russian Federation cannot exist and a chance should be offered to the states that want to be in the space of freedom and human rights. Meanwhile, the Republic of Moldova should be helped to overcome these times when the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine is a direct threat to us. Finland, being earlier a neutral state and knowing its neighbor, invested a lot in defense. Finland showed that neutrality costs, but this enables it now to strengthen NATO by being a full-fledged member of this defense organization,” PAS MP Oazu Nantoi stated in the program “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Given the security crisis in the region, the EU announced that a civilian mission under the aegis of the common foreign and security policy will come to the Republic of Moldova. The European experts will help the Moldovan authorities to identify solutions to counteract the hybrid threats and disinformation.

“Our information space is yet dominated by the Russian mass media. The Republic of Moldova needs this civilian mission, needs assistance to strengthen its defense, military capacities. We do not yet have consensus in society to discuss the entry into NATO. Finland became a NATO member, but the difference between the Republic of Moldova and Finland is that Finland has one of the highest living standards in Europe and we are at the opposite pole. A poor society can be easier manipulated. This is what Russian propaganda and particular political players from inside, who cynically use the population in so-called protests for derisory sums, do,” said the executive director of the Information and Documentation Center on NATO Ion Tăbîrță.

Earlier, the Head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau Janis Mazeiks said that the European Union and the Republic of Moldova are working out a plan of action for the EU’s government support mission that could be launched in May. The role of the mission will be to help counter Russia’s destabilizing actions.