
PAS MP: European Commission’s decision encourages us to go on


The European Commission’s decision to recommend opening accession negotiations with Moldova encourages us to go on, said MP of the ruling party PAS Vasile Grădinaru. According to him, the authorities in Moldova will continue to make effort to fully implement the nine recommendations put forward by the European Commission. According to the Commission’s report, six of the recommendations were fulfilled and important progress has been made in implementing the other three recommendations, IPN reports.

The executive director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms Iulian Groza said the three overdue measures are the justice sector reform, the fight against corruption and deoligarchization and concrete actions can be taken in each of these three areas to ensure the accession negotiations are opened.

“In the reformation of justice, the extraordinary assessment of judges and the formation of the future Supreme Court of Justice should be completed. The same refers to the nomination of the new Prosecutor General and the procedure was recently initiated by the SCP. This candidate should also be subject to external assessment. I think it is possible to do this by next March. In the anticorruption sector, the capacities of the anticorruption institutions need to be strengthened. First of all, it goes to the approval of the budget of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office so that his institution becomes much more efficient. In the field of deoligarchization, the progress made in implementing the deoligarchization plan will be the assessment criterion. Here, there are aspects that depend on the Competition Council and other institutions,” Iulian Groza stated in the program “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

PAS MP Vasile Grădinaru said that despite the crises experienced by Moldova, the authorities managed to advance on the path of European integration and this fact was highly appreciated by the EU officials.

“European officials made a number of statements that reveal particular things. Firstly, they clearly ascertained that the Republic of Moldova made its choice and this choice is the European path. Also, the European officials ascertained that in the Republic of Moldova, despite the very difficult conditions, the energy war, inflation, migration and other problems, progress has been made. Of the nine recommendations, six were fully fulfilled and substantial process has been made in implementing another three recommendations. We have a lot of work to do, but this decision does nothing but encourage us to go on. We thank the citizens for support. We thank Missis President Sandu for support, for being the diving force of this unprecedented openness towards the Republic of Moldova,” noted Vasile Grădinaru.

On November 8, the European Commission recommended opening the EU-Moldova accession negotiations. A final decision will be taken by the leaders of the EU member states at the European Council’s meeting of December 14-15. A unanimous vote of all the EU member states is needed for a decision favorable to the Republic of Moldova.