
Participation in census is mandatory and collected data will be confidential, Daniel Vodă


The Population and Housing Census 2024 will be taken throughout the country between April 8 and July 7. Under the legislation, the citizens are obliged to answer census takers’ questions and provide correct answers, while the authorities, for their part, are obliged to ensure the confidentiality of the collected data, the Government’s spokesman Daniel Vodă stated in a news conference.

He noted that the census is a nationwide survey conducted every 10 years. “The last census was taken in 2014. Why is the census taken? The goal is to obtain statistical data on the population, but also on the country’s housing. The responsible persons will visit homes throughout the republic and will record citizens’ answers to the questions written in the questionnaire,” explained Daniel Vodă.

According to him, the census takers will be dressed in special clothes and uniform offered by the National Bureau of Statistics. They will collect from citizens such data as the year and place of birth, place of residence, spoken language, level of education, occupation and other important aspects. During the census, the population will also be asked about the dwellings they live in, for example access to sewerage and water supply systems, heating method, area, building materials and others.

“I want to point out that these data will be used by NBS officials and in no case will they be shared in this case with other institutions, for example, state institutions. Dear compatriots, these data are used only for the census. The need is for the collected data to be the basis for development projects in each locality. Thus, by participation in this census, the central and local authorities are helped to better plan public policies and understand the needs of each locality,” noted the Government’s spokesman.

Thus, the census will provide answers to such questions as: How will the budget be distributed locally? How many schools, kindergartens, crèches or jobs need to be planned in particular regions? Where should regional hospitals or emergency service units be built?

“It is a national exercise that helps the authorities to better plan policies. Whether it is mandatory or optional, everyone has the obligation to participate in the census and provide correct and complete answers to the questions,” said Daniel Vodă.
An event to launch the Population and Housing Census 2024 entitled “We open the door for the Census: Community, Transparency, Participation” will be held the Square of the National Opera and Ballet House “Maria Biesu” on Saturday, April 6.