
Parliament’s spring-summer session ends with disputes


Those four leaders of the factions and parliamentary parties made contradictory statements at the end of the spring-summer session. While the opposition criticised the government, the representative of the Communist Party qualified the behaviour of the opposition as a “lack of political culture”. The first speech was delivered in the Parliament by Leader of the Christian Democrat People’s Party Iurie Rosca, who said that the pace of reforms has slowed down lately, there are problems in what concerns the implementation of the Action Plan Moldova-UE and reproaches coming from the Council of Europe. Also, he said he is concerned that this year a new situation occurred in the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. The “5+2” format negotiations became “1+1” talks, taking into consideration the negotiations Chisinau-Moscow. In the same context, he pleaded against early elections for the settlement of the Transnistrian dispute. Also, the leader of PPCD states that after the local elections the party leaders were not invited to the Presidency to discuss about the well-functioning of the local public administration and its relations with the central administration, and this fact is not normal. In his speech, Rosca pleaded for diminishing the power of the presidential advisers who, according to him, hold to a great extent the power over the state. In the first part of his speech, the leader of the Democrat Party Dumitru Diacov spoke about the inefficiency of the economic reforms. Later, referring to the political situation, he said that his Party has nothing in common with the alliance with the ruling party, as the head of state has recently said. On the contrary, the communists are isolating themselves and this process started at the beginning of the local general elections. The arrogance and aggressiveness of the representatives of the ruling party - MPs, heads of the local and central administration, even ministers, created a hardly bearable atmosphere during this period. The threats and intimidations of the candidates running on behalf of the opposition parties increased in frequency, Diacov mentioned. Leader of “Moldova Noastra” Alliance Serafim Urecheanu said that in the first half of 2007, Moldova saw an obvious regress due to the incompetent and irresponsible administration of the Party of Communists. AMN is sure that the inefficiency of the present regime is generated by President Voronin, who by usurpation of power has blocked the rest of the state bodies. The AMN faction sees a single possible solution for the following one year and eight months, the length of the Parliament’s mandate – to create an anti-crisis Government in Moldova on apolitical grounds, Urecheanu added. For her part, Eugenia Ostapciuc, leader of the communist faction, said that during the spring-summer session 2007, as previously, the Faction of the Party of Communists has carried out its activity on the ground of the future tasks, included in the Programme of the Party and its Electoral Platform. At the same time, she recognised that the control function of the Parliament over the implementation of the laws has reduced. According to her, in order to improve the situation, parliamentary hearings were organised, as well as working visits of the MPs in the country. Referring to the election campaign for the local elections, Ostapciuc explained the behaviour of the opposition “by the lack of political culture”. The Parliament will resume its work in October.