
Parliamentary opposition criticizes Government’s work


The opposition MPs criticized the Government’s work after Prime Minister Dorin Recean presented the progress report for 2023 in Parliament. They highlighted the incompetence of the Government, noting that the promises of better times materialized only in higher salaries for ministers, while the rest of the population suffered from poverty, IPN reports.

MP Diana Caraman said that the people leave massively the country not because there is a war in the region, but because they do not have jobs in the country. They no longer see their future here. They don’t have opportunities for development. “Dear citizens, the unconditional resignation of the Cabinet is the only solution to save the country. The majority of citizens want this,” stated the MP.

Deputy Speaker Vlad Batrîncea said that the authorities keep invoking the justice sector reform, but this remains nonfunctional. If there had been a genuine reform, the rulers would have been held accountable for corruption, illegal privatization and flawed government procurement, university closures and inappropriate indexation.

MP Vasile Bolea noted that the reality experienced by the population is different from what the authorities present in reports. The Government has suffered a lamentable failure in important areas. Employees of some of the state-owned enterprises have not been paid salaries for months. Corruption schemes flourish and the people face poverty.

MP Eduard Smirnov criticized the ministers for leaving the assembly hall immediately after the presentation of the report, without listening to parliamentarians’ speeches (under the pretext of the Cabinet meeting set for 4 p.m.). “The executive, of course, finds it difficult to listen to the speeches of the opposition because the situation is disastrous. The situation is deteriorating, prices are rising, the people are being impoverished, the young people are massively leaving the country in search of a better life abroad,” stated the lawmaker.

“I listened to the Prime Minister’s speech and realized that we live in a golden country. We have the most developed country in the world, in Europe. Everything is fine in our country. We have the lowest prices and all the people are happy,” said MP Alexandr Nesterovschi, noting that the situation is different. “In fact, we live in the poorest country where this totalitarian PAS regime was installed. I want to ask the citizens – has your life improved at least slightly? Well, this is the PAS government”.

The MPs of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists came to today’s sitting with placards saying “PAS, don’t mew so much! Go to work!”, “Rich ministers – poor people”, “PAS to the ash heap of history”, “Lots of talk, zero results!”, etc.