
Parliamentary group makes commitment


The Democratic MPs announced they will donate the salaries of MP received for March. The group’s head Pavel Filip said given that the legislative body was practically nonfunctional in the period, the Democrats consider this money is not deserved by the MPs, no matter what party they form part of, IPN reports.

“Each of the MPs of the PDM will choose a social cause towards which they will direct their revenues. We continue to hope the political stalemate will be broken as soon as possible so that we could work for the benefit of those who elected us to Parliament – the de facto payers of these salaries,” Pavel Filip wrote on his Facebook page.

Recently, a father posted on Facebook a message, calling on the MPs to donate their salaries to his daughter who suffers from decompensated hydrocephalus. “Dear MPs, especially those from my Facebook list, if you don’t know who to donate your salaries to, don’t be ashamed as Mărioara is waiting for you,”, Alexandru Coșcodan wrote on Facebook. Those who want to donate money for the child’s treatment can contact Alexandru Coșcodan on 079455822 or can access the bank details available on his Facebook page.