
Parliamentary elections in Romania to take place Dec. 11


The parliamentary elections in Romania will be held on December 11, 2016. A decision to this effect was taken by the Government of Romania, IPN reports.

According to Mediafax.ro, Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos had discussions with the leaders of the political parties before the election day was set. The Social Democratic Party (PSD) pleaded for November 27 (date that does not meet the constitutional provisions concerning the end of the current legislature’s mandate) or December 4. The Social-Democrats argued that the holding of the elections on December 11 will push the procedure for forming the new Parliament and for investing the new Government close to the New Year. The leader of the PSD Liviu Dragnea accused the Premier of playing the game of the Liberals, who pleaded for December 11.

On the other side, the Liberals said the holding of the elections on December 4, as the Social-Democrats required, coincides with the mini-vacation of the Romanians in connection with the National Day and the Feast of Saint Nicholas and this will lead to a low voter turnout.

The quoted source says experience shows that the PSD is advantaged by a high rate of absenteeism given that its supporters are more disciplined. After a pause of eight years and, respectively, two legislatures, the MPs and senators will be again chosen based on party lists.

The last parliamentary elections in Romania took place on December 9, 2012, the turnout being of 41.72%.