
Parliament to consider relinquishment of MP mandates by Nagacevschi and Serebrian


Parliament next week will consider the relinquishment of MP mandates by Lib-Dem Vitalie Nagacevschi and Democrat Oleg Serebrian, Ion Plesca, the chairman of the parliamentary legal commission, has told Info-Prim Neo. After Parliament considers the relinquishment, the decision will be forwarded to the Central Election Commission, which will announce the next candidates in line on the respective party tickets. The new mandates are to be then confirmed by the Constitutional Court. Vitalie Nagacevschi renounced his MP seat in June, citing incompatibility of the post with a job he applied for. It was reported that one of the reasons behind his decision was that the Alliance for European Integration criticized the commission that he chaired for the failure to adequately elucidate the causes and consequences of the last April disturbances. Oleg Serebrian stepped aside to become ambassador to France instead.