
Parliament starts fall session


The Moldovan Parliament resumed its work and the fall session started on Thursday, September 25, Info-Prim Neo reports. Speaker Marian Lupu has said in dis discourse it is the last session of the present deputies ending their mandates before the elections. The session will have one more component -- it will assess the impact of adopted legislation. He suggested it refers to the laws encouraging the businesses, also called “Guillotine II“. Speaking on the external parliamentary relationships, the objective if to make Moldova visible on the international arena and, “because of improving the country's image” it could gain the necessary credibility as an equal and trustworthy partner, Marian Lupu said. The chairwoman of the Communists faction, Eugenia Ostapciuc, has said the Parliament's task is to adopt realistic budgets, capable to insure the good operation and the dynamic growth of “the indicators in the budget sphere.” “Moldova is developing, goes forward despite all the obstacles,” Ostapciuc said. She urged her colleagues from other factions “to leave their ambitions, mutual attacks and work constructively, without getting involved in the electoral campaign before it starts.” The leader of Moldova Noastra Alliance faction (AMN), Serafim Urecheanu, criticized the ruling party. “Speak about the image of the present regime, it is in the world chart and places Moldova among the most corrupt countries. I think the parliament should probe the financial speculations, the doubtful privatization of state assets, the situation in public procurements,” Serafim Urecheanu said. AMN wants to resume broadcasting live from the Parliament's sittings, to return to the former electoral rules, to stop the discrimination of the citizens with dual citizenship, to ensure the independence of the judiciary and the freedom of media. The faction of the Democratic Party (PDM) proposes several priorities for the fall session, as rescuing the agriculture and processing industry, improving the situation on the financial market, wages in the public sector, strengthening investments in economy, said the PDM leader, Dumitru Diacov. The chairman of the Christian-Democratic People's Party (PPCD),Vlad Cubreacov, has said the Parliuament shall not only pass laws, but to steadily control the Government and other state entities in terms of their using the public money. In the wake of the 2009 electoral test, it is necessary to ensure equal competition conditions for the competitors, and also -- the political stability, Cubreacov stated. The MPs then heard the Government's report on liquidating the consequences of the last summer natural disaster and on the remuneration of the public sector employees, the report of the National Bank on the financial and currency situation in the country.