The MPs voted again two bills that were sent for reexamination by President Igor Dodon. This is the law concerning unqualified occasional work done by day workers and the bill to supplement the law on the pays of public functionaries, IPN reports.
As regards occasional work, Igor Dodon proposed including other areas besides agriculture in the law. He also suggested extending the cumulative period during which a person can do unqualified occasional work from 90 to 180 days during a year. The amendments proposed by the President weren’t accepted by the commission on social protection, health and family.
Under the amendments to the law on the pay system for public functionaries, the salaries of ancillary staff in courts of law, the prosecution service and the central and local public administration will be raised by 20%. For the personnel of the Tax Service and Customs Service, the rise will represent 50%. President Dodon considers the given raises are not justified as the pays of these categories of employees are rather high.
The Constitution obliges the President to promulgate the two laws now that the legislative body reconfirmed its vote for them.