
Parliament does not take into account Audit Office reports, study


The reports of the Audit Office are not used by Parliament to provide arguments in the process of adopting the Government’s financial reports and when adjusting the legal framework on the management of public finances, shows a study made by Vladimir Arachelov, expert in of public finances management, IPN reports.

When presenting the study, the expert said there should be set up a parliamentary public audit commission or a subcommission within the Parliament’s commission on economy, budget and finance.

Vladimir Arachelov considers the Government should be obliged to present to Parliament reports on the steps taken to recover the damage identified by the Audit Office and to implement the audit recommendations. The adoption by the legislative body of the bill on the penalties for managerial irresponsibility in using public finances should be hastened.

The study was carried out within the project “Recommendations of the Audit Office: Advocacy for transparency and efficiency in using public money” that is implemented by the Public Policy Institute with support from Soros Foundation Moldova. The Institute’s director Arcadie Barbarosie said the people want the relations between Parliament and the Audit Office to be ideal as the Office is a very important institution that supervises the use of public money.