
Parliament announces contest to choose three members of Supreme Council of Magistrates


The Parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities has announced a contest to select three members of the Supreme Council of Magistrates from among titular law professors. Under the Law on the Supreme Council of Magistrates, the three members are named by a majority of MP votes, IPN reports.

Under the regulations concerning the holding of the contest, the applicants must be Moldovan citizens with higher law education and must work in higher education institutions, in law sciences departments, when applying. They must also have at least five years’ experience in teaching and scientific activity, irreproachable reputation, know the official language and do not have a criminal record. The candidates, when named, must not be members of political parties.

The candidates must submit the copy of the identity card, the CV, the copy of the higher education diploma, a medical certificate, a certificate showing that they carried out teaching-scientific activities, etc.

The copies of the presented documents should be authenticated by the notary or can be submitted together with the originals. The applications can be submitted between December 9 and 16 to office 1006 of the building of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.