Nine persons were brought to justice last year for distributing child pornography over the Internet. Another nine persons distributed indecent images of children from stolen mobile phones or computers. According to the police, the statistics do not reflect the real number of cases of distribution of child pornography. For the first time in the history of the law enforcement bodies, last year the police identified and arrested seven persons who chatted with minors on the Internet and intended to meet them for having sex with them, IPN reports.
In a news conference held to mark the World Internet Safety Day, the head of the National Investigation’s Inspectorate’s Center for Combating Cybercrime Eugeniu Moraru said that to ensure the children’s safety on the Internet, the parents must monitor their communication with unknown persons. Two minors last year became victims of a pedophile with whom they got aquatinted on the Internet. The man got 20 years in jail. The attempts in other cases were thwarted.
According to Eugeniu Moraru, the pedophiles are usually men aged between 20 and 35 from different social strata, with high incomes and, usually, with higher education. Their targets are boys aged between 11 and 14 who are active on social networking sites.
Eugeniu Moraru called on the parents who see a sudden change in the child’s behavior after discussing with individuals on the Internet to inform the police in order to prevent cases of sexual abuse. Last year, only two parents informed the law enforcement bodies about their children’s online discussions with unknown persons.