
PARE 1+1 will diversify instruments for supporting migrants


As many as 313 businesses were started by migrants or their relatives in over 200 settlements within the PARE 1+1 Program for Attraction of Remittances into the Economy during three years. There were planned investments of 193 million lei. The figures were presented in the annual conference of the program, IPN reports.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar said the idea of the program was to help the migrants to start businesses in all the settlements of the county so as to set an example for other Moldovans who intend to return home from abroad.

The PARE 1+1 program will continue until 2015. It offers training and entrepreneurial support to migrants and their relatives of the first degree, while the financing formula is 1 leu from the state per 1 leu from the migrants, but not more than 200,000 lei for a business.

Prime Minister Iurie Leanca said it’s time to more profoundly analyze the results of the program and the reasons why the Moldovan migrants do not hurry to found enterprises at home. “We must see how we can make this program more flexible and closer to beneficiaries’ demands. Maybe we should launch other support instruments, not necessarily to offer grants. For example, we can guarantee the loans taken out from banks,” he stated.

Within the event, there were handed over diplomas to successful entrepreneurs who benefited from non-reimbursable financing.