
Pandemic significantly influenced plans and intentions of people, NBS study


The COVID-19 pandemic created a series of impediments in the daily activities of households and significantly influenced people’s plans and intentions. Besides its socioeconomic impact, the pandemic has a confirmable impact on the population’s state of spirit. The persons from 38.7% of the households said that in the period they suffered from depression, stress and anxiety. About 75% of the respondent households, whose members planned to travel abroad, said they had to put off their trips, says a study carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics that is quoted by IPN.

The people said that they faced difficulties due to the reduction or loss of incomes from work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They said their incomes are by about 25% lower per person. In the case of about 15% of the households with members abroad, at least a family member returned from abroad after losing the job there. In the case of another 15%, someone from the household could not return home. The households that stopped to receive remittances from abroad or these declined said their incomes per person decreased by 9.2% against the households that said that they didn’t witness reductions or losses.

Among the main measures for overcoming the crisis deriving from the financial difficulties are the reduction of costs for food (19.9% of affirmative answers) and utilization of savings (19.5%). About 4.6% of the households said they paid for a part of the public utilities or didn’t pay for them, while 3.2% sought financial assistance.

A series of difficulties were mentioned with regard to the access to distance learning services. About 10% of the households with students said the access to distance learning is limited owing to the insufficient number of computers or electronic devices in the household, 9.6% noted the poor Internet connection, 6.3% – the lack of Internet connection, while 4.4% said they do not have electronic equipment.