
Owners of houses located too close to electrical installations risk remaining without power


The legislation bans erecting constructions in the immediate vicinity of electrical installations. According to the power supplier Gas Natural Fenosa, there are four houses in Chisinau situated at an inadmissible distance from electrical installations and the owners risk being disconnected from the power supply.

Contacted by IPN, the head of the company’s Foreign Relations and Communication Division Vasile Gribincea said they identified seven constructions in the municipality that hinder access to utility poles or are located too close to electrical installations. Five similar violations were discovered in Durlesti town, while four in the districts of Chisinau.

“The owners or managers of these buildings were warned about the necessity of complying with the law and informed about the penalties they face,” said Gribincea

The minimum distance between a construction and the high voltage power lines depends on the electrical force of the installations. For 110 kV overhead power lines the distance is 20 meters, for 35 kV power lines - 15 meters, while for 20 kV power lines – 10 meters.

Under the Law on Electrical Energy, the private individuals and legal entities are banned from erecting constructions in power lines protection areas without the consent of the transport and power lines operators. Inspector Alexandru Cojocari, of the State Energy Inspectorate, said the owners of constructions situated at an inadmissible distance from electrical installations or erected without authorization risk remaining without power. Every case is examined separately.