
Overdue bills of 2012 will be examined this year


Besides the bills that the lawmakers will examine this year, the Parliament’s agenda will also contain the overdue bills of 2012. Among them are the initiatives that caused tensions in Parliament between the members of the Alliance for European Integration, Info-Prim Neo reports. One of the bills that will be examined by the lawmakers refers to the creation of the Premier’s control body. This bill aroused arguments inside the alliance. The Liberals said they will not back it because it is too vague and extends the powers and freedoms of the Prime Minister. Another bill concerns the exclusion of the criminal punishment for smuggling, which is not supported by the Liberals. According to the chairman of the Liberal Party Mihai Ghimpu, the fines imposed for such offenses must exist in parallel with the criminal punishment. A bill rejected by the ruling alliance, which was put forward by the Liberal Party, suggests making December 25, when it is celebrated Christmas according to the new style, a holiday. The PLDM and PDM argued that they should know first the opinion of civil society and the priests before taking a decision. Among other overdue projects are the initiative that bans the persons holding ex-Soviet type passports from voting in elections with them, the bill that provides for increasing the fines imposed on prostitutes’ clients up to 3,000 lei, and the bill that prohibits broadcasting advertisements in movie theaters before and after the showing. Under the Parliament’s regulations, the spring-summer session is held between February and July.