More than 50 regional development projects and over 800 local development projects will be carried out in the country's villages and cities in 2025-2027. They were selected within the European Village, European Village – 2 and Public Nursery Services – 2 programs, IPN reports.
The Cabinet of Ministers ton Wednesday approved the Single Program Document (DUP) for 2025-2027, which contains the list of priority regional and local development projects that will be financed with sources of the National Regional Development Fund, external sources and other sources allowed by law.
According to Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Vladimir Bolea, the costs associated with the implementation of the 869 projects were estimated at 4 billion lei.
The projects provide for the modernization of local roads in the country's villages and cities. It also goes to the modernization of courtyards of apartment buildings, including in Chisinau City, which was included along with other cities in this program. Another objective is to set up markets for the sale of local products.
Of the 4 billion lei, 1.3 billion lei will go on regional development projects and 2.74 billion lei – on local development projects.