
Over 80 media outlets pledge to respect new Journalist’s Deontological Code


Over 80 media institutions have committed themselves to respecting the new Journalist’s Deontological Code. The document was presented at a press conference on May 3, on the occasion of the World Freedom of Press Day, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The new code is based on the Deontological Code adopted in 2009, which was amended and diversified. We sent it to all the editorial staffs in Moldova and 81 of them have already signed the agreement to follow it,” said Petru Macovei, executive director of the Independent Press Association and Press Council secretary. Ambassador Dirk Schuebel, Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova, said that free press is one of the cornerstones of a democratic society, being a channel of communication between the government and citizens. The European Union and the EU Delegation will continue to support the freedom of press in Moldova. “The Code will help journalists to be true professionals and I think all journalists should know it. It promotes the objective and correct covering of the events,” added Dirk Schuebel. “This Code wasn’t imported. On the contrary, it can be exported. It belongs 100% to Moldova. The Code defines journalist’s rights and duties”, said Ulvi Akhundlu, head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau. The head of the Independent Journalism Center Nadine Gogu mentioned that the amendment of Journalist’s Deontological Code was necessary because of the changes that took place over the last decade. The press had to withstand pressure from elites that do not perceive the press acting as “guardian dogs” of society. Nadine Gogu added that another reason for the amendment was the rise in cases of suicide and crimes involving children that made the headlines, while victims’ rights were not respected. “The old code didn’t allow us to examine cases when journalist’s deontological principles were infringed. The new Code is meant to boost the Press Council’s activity and to extend the self-regulation domain,” said the Press Council chairwoman Ludmila Andronic. The new Journalist’s Deontological Code of Moldova was developed between September 2010 and February 2011 by CoE and Moldovan mass media experts, based on the Journalist’s Code of Principles of Professional Ethics, which was adopted in 1999 by the Journalists’ Union.