
Over 60 NGOs come together at event within “Civic Fest”


Representatives of over 60 nongovernmental organizations took part in an event held within the fourth International Festival “Civic Fest: Moldova for the People” on September 23. These participated in thematic panel discussions aimed at attracting and motivating all the players and active citizens to support community development by generating new ideas, initiatives and successful projects in different areas, IPN reports.

President of East Europe Foundation Sorin Mereacre said this year’s festival is held in a different format and started together with the Music Festival “Gustar”, where “Civic Fest” was opened by a series of workshops, presentations and other activities. Today’s discussions are a continuation of the festival and represent an opportunity of addressing different themes that bring together civil society players.

Alecu Renita, head of the Alliance of Environmental NGOs, said the representatives of the nongovernmental sector, no matter what sector they represent, must become involved in the achievement of the goals of major civic interest. “Without active people, without people who assume responsibilities, nothing will change,” he stated.

“Promo-LEX” Association executive director Ion Manole said civil society should become more active, even if it is both praised and criticized. Compared with other countries, Moldova’s civil society achieved good results and the country ranks first by the number of applications for financing accepted by the Civil Society Forum. These results show the quality of civil society of Moldova, while such events contribute to the development of NGOs.

Deputy head of the Council of NGOs Adrian Balutel said that Civic Fest is regarded as an event that renders homage to civil society, but it actually renders homage to the active people who, by solidarity and involvement, regardless of the area of activity, change things at different levels. These changes are generated without great political or economic influence, out of solidarity and capacity to unite people around an idea.

“Civic Fest 2016” was organized by the public association “Synergetica Eur/Est” with the assistance of East Europe Foundation and with the financial resources provided by the Government of Sweden and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA.