Over 400 soldiers from Balti and Cahul swear an oath of allegiance
More than 400 young soldiers who completed the initial military training course swore an oath of allegiance to the country in a ceremony held at the Motorized Infantry Brigades “Moldova” in Balti and “Dacia” in Cahul on December 7, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the Ministry of Defense.
“The military oath does not mean only simple words. It is a promise made to your country that you must defend. I call on you to honor your obligations, to respect the order and military discipline and to be proud that you wear the military uniform,” Minister of Defense Vitalie Marinuta said in the event in Balti.
The minister also took part in the opening of a renovated barrack in Balti. It was repaired with the Ministry’s extra-budgetary funds. “We have the duty to create decent living conditions for the soldiers serving in the National Army so that they do their service in the most appropriate way,” said Vitalie Marinuta.
In the Motorized Infantry Brigade “Dacia”, the 310 young soldiers swore an oath of allegiance in the presence of the General Staff chief, National Army commander and brigade general Vitalie Stoian, who assured the soldiers that the difficulties of the military life will became interwoven with the professional accomplishments. “In the end, being proud of your successes, you will receive the certificate of maturity, which is given to those who serve with dignity, and you will be more prepared for life,” said the general.
From this year, the soldiers who will complete the military training course of five weeks will also take part in the swearing-in ceremony.