
Over 220 managers from Moldova trained in Vaslui to attract European funds


The new prospects of attracting European funds were discussed in a forum held in Romania’s Vaslui. The event involved a delegation of 220 managers from Moldova and counterparts from Romania. These represented medical, educational, cultural and sports institutions, local public authorities, business entities, etc. A number of cooperation agreements were signed on the sidelines of the forum.

The forum entitled “Stimulating Absorption of European Funds by the Republic of Moldova, an EU Candidate Country, Together with Vaslui County” was organized by the Euronest Intercommunity Development Association, the Vaslui County Council and the Institute for Development and Expertise of Projects of Moldova (IDEP), being hosted by the Vaslui Business Resource Center.

“We know and realize that the process of absorbing European funds, in particular pre-accession ones, will not be easy at the initial stage. Therefore, we set the goal of helping to develop partnerships between counterparts from both sides of the Prut so as to plan possible joint projects, to establish and formalize partnerships so that together with the launch of pre-accession programs, the institutions, localities and organizations in the Republic of Moldova are ready with know-how, good practices, possible teams, project files on different possible cooperation relations, soft and hard, as we call them, and possibilities of involving other partners, in particular from Romania,” IDEP programs director Iurie Calestru stated in a news conference hosted by IPN.

The programs director noted that the goal of the visit was to borrow good practices by establishing personal contacts that will later turn into interinstitutional partnerships for implementing EU-founded projects. Also, the partners from Romania spoke about the experience that should be avoided in the implementation of European projects.

“We believe that if we bring the standards of the European Union through projects financed with grants to institutions, localities and organizations, we will be able to simulate the integration process and, implicitly, the creation of the framework needed to ensure faster integration into the European Union,” said Iurie Calestru.

According to him, IDEP, together with mates from Romania, are making effort to contribute to developing project management skills in managers of different institutions of the Republic of Moldova as part of training sessions and modules that have been staged monthly starting with January 2022.

“The identification of solutions for absorbing European funds available to the Republic of Moldova together with the obtaining of the status of candidate for membership in the European Union is one of the main activities of the Institute for Development and Expertise of Projects,” noted Iurie Calestru.

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