
Over 200 cases of freezing of water mains and meters reported in Chisinau


More than 200 consumers in Chisinau asked for the assistance of specialists of SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” in having water mains and meters unfrozen following the very low temperatures recently. In a communique, the public utility says that despite the repeated recommendation and warnings, the number of cases of freezing increased significantly during two weeks, IPN reports.

The consumers are urged to take the necessary measures to ensure the protection and intactness of the water meters and mains and of the basements in apartment buildings during cold weather. The water pipes should be correctly laid and used, while the cold water meters should be properly insulated.

To avoid accidents and useless costs, the water supplier recommends the consumers to isolate the water mains and meters with special materials and to allow access only to the meter figures for reading them.

Specialists of SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” warn that if these requirements are not met, the water pipelines will become frozen and the water supply will be stopped.