
Over 20 explosive devices neutralized during a month


The bomb squad of the National Army in July deactivated 23 explosive devices in different settlements of the country. The most recent demining operations took place in Ungheni town and Puhaceni village of Anenii Noi district, IPN reports, quoting reports by the Ministry of Defense.

Last week, the bomb squad neutralized a plane bomb weighing 25 kg, a bomb launcher and an artillery shell with the caliber of 152 mm, discovered on the banks of the rivers Prut and Nistru.

According to Lieutenant-Colonel Serghei Chilivnic, senior specialist of the National Army’s bomb squad, all the explosive devices date from World War II and are of Soviet or German make. These were destroyed in conditions of maximum security.

So far this year the combat squad of the National Army demined 218 explosive devices discovered on Moldova’s territory.