
OSCE PA reiterates call for Russian troops withdrawal from Moldova


The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE demands the Russian Federation to resume and finish the process of withdrawing its troops and munitions from the Moldovan territory, in accordance with the international commitments assumed. This was stated in a Resolution on Moldova which was adopted by the General Committee for Political Affairs and Security of the OSCE PA, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a press release of the Moldovan Parliament, the OSCE PA Resolution was endorsed by all national delegations, except for those of Russia and Cyprus, which abstained from voting. Today, July 9, the Resolution on Moldova should be formally voted by the full Parliamentary Assembly. The head of OSCE PA group for Moldova and author of the Resolution Walburga Habsburg Douglas stressed the need to successfully resume 5+2 negotiations and pleaded for a more active involvement of parliamentarians in the settlement of frozen conflicts in the OSCE space. She also spoke about the need to enhance interaction between OSCE PA and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to settle the Transnistrian conflict and said this Resolution could be the premise to start this cooperation. Walburga Habsburg Douglas saluted the creation of common parliamentary commission in the Moldovan Legislative, meant to involve representatives from the Transnistrian region, and hopes that all the groups in Parliament will participate in these commissions. She also proposed the organization of a seminar in Stockholm, by the end of the year, with the participation of representatives of the Parliament in Chisinau and of the so-called supreme soviet of the Transnistrian region. The OSCE PA Resolution reads that identifying a special legal status for the Transnistrian region within the Republic of Moldova, by strengthening and ensuring the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the country within its internationally recognized borders, is the main goal of the process of settling the Transnistrian conflict. The Resolution invites all participants in the settlement to consult each other regarding the change of the current peacekeeping mission into a civil mission under international mandate. Between July 5 and 9, a delegation of the Moldovan Parliament participates in the summer reunion of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The members of the delegation are MPs Simion Furdui, Stella Jantuan, Vasili Sova and the head of the Inter-parliamentary Relations Division, Eugen Burdelinii.