
OSCE PA President has met with parliamentary group representatives


The Transdniestria dispute and the June 3 local lections were the key topics for discussion at the meetings of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Goran Lenmarker and leaders or representatives of parliamentary groups. After the meeting of Goran Lenmarker and Igor Klipii, secretary general of the Social Liberal Party, Dumitru Braghis, chairman of the Social Democracy Party and Anatol Taranu, deputy chairman of the National Liberal Party, Klipii told Info-Prim Neo that from the discussions the Moldovan MPs understood that the international organizations, including the OSCE, have an increased interest in the situation in Moldova, which they perceive as a country with a negative evolution. The West relates the Transdniestrian conflict to the situation and democratic development in Moldova. According to the quoted source, the interlocutors were unanimous in the idea that the antidemocratic development from inside brings involution to the Transdniestrian dispute and a possible change in the European course of Moldova. Klippii said that as far as he understood, the international organizations are concerned about the situation in Moldova and that the information received by the OSCE PA President at the meetings with officials is different from the one provided by the Opposition representatives. This fact is also a reason for worry for the foreign official as there are parallel worlds in Moldova that can hardly overlap, Klipii concluded. Serafim Urecheanu, leader of the parliamentary group of the Our Moldova Alliance Party, said that one of the key issues discussed with Lennmarker was the Transdniestrian dispute and the ways of solving it. He said that he informed the OSCE PA President abut the unwillingness of the ruling political class to fully settle the conflict and about the postponement and secretization of the settlement and talks, fact that can lead to the destabilization of the situation in Moldova. Urecheanu also said that the OSCE official was informed that though the Communist administration announced the course to European integration, they have other intentions in reality. Another problem discussed, he said, was the June 3 local elections. The AMN leader said that he informed the guest about the abuses and infringements committed by the government in the current election campaign, about the use of administrative resources and direct involvement of the top state officials in the campaign. According to the quoted source, the OSCE PA President expressed his concerns over this fact and said that the organization will monitor the local elections. Dumitru Diacov, leader of the Democrat Party, said that he spoke about the democratic process in Moldova and the situation around the Transdniestrian conflict. He said that he pleaded for more transparence in the negotiating process, for the resumption of the talks in the “5+2” format and for the preservation of the OSCE’s active role. As to the local elections, Diacov said that he called on the OSCE and on the government to take measures and remove the existing shortcomings so that the elections are “at least relatively free”. After the meeting with Goran Lennmarker, the Communist MP Vladimir Turcan told the Agency that at first he discussed the reformation and modernization of the legislative basis in compliance with the European requirements and the cooperation between the Parliament and the OSCE Mission to Moldova. The second topic for discussion was the settlement of the Transdniestrian dispute, the Parliament’s role and place in this process. He also talked about the election campaign. As regards the statements about the abuses and violations, Turcan said that the electoral legislation allows any abuse committed to be discussed by the election bodies that include representatives of the Opposition also. Goran Lenmarker also met with President Vladimir Voronin, Head of Parliament Marian Lupu and with Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Andrei Stratan. On Friday, May 18, he will travel to Tiraspol and before leaving Moldova he will hold a joint press conference with Marian Lupu.