
Orthodox Christians protest against legalization of Islamism in Moldova


Hundreds of Orthodox Christians, priests and faithful persons protested in the Great National Assembly Square against the legalization of Islamism in Moldova. They believe that such an act will lead to debauchery, division and dangers. According to the protesters, the Government registered the Islamism without consulting civil society and the Church, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The state laws and the legislation of the Church should be in concordance. The law (on religions in Moldova) is very permissive and does nor meet the moral norms of the religions in Europe. This law is designed to transform Moldova into a religious 'waste dump'. The law went through all the Governments and was passed owing to the European policy,” said the chairman of the Association “Pro Ortodoxia” Ghenadie Valuta. According to him, the law must clearly define the abusive proselytism, commercial, occultist and satanist religions. Grigore Motruc, priest of Saint Peter and Pavel Church in Causeni, said that this law divides society. “The Church is for union, mutual understanding, peace, love and forgiveness,” he stated. Priest Serghei, of the Chisinau-based “Ascension” Church, said there are too many sects in Moldova that destroy society. “We do not need Islamism and mosques in Moldova owing to the extremism of the Muslims,” he said. Priest Gheorghe, of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church, said that what causes violence cannot be named faith. “We will register the homosexuals, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and so on. We are alarmed as many Moldovan are converted to Islam. The Islamists will be violent as they will want land for mosques, a separate cemetery, etc. I'm afraid for my family,” he said. The Orthodox Association Alliance proposed amendments to the law. The Government's deputy secretary general Anatolie Onceanu said their proposals will be examined when Prime Minister Vlad Filat returns from his visit to Germany. Similar protests were staged in Balti, Ungheni and Cahul. The Ministry of Justice registered officially an Islamist organization this March. Now the supporters of this religion can pray collectively and erect mosques. According to the last census, in Moldova there are over 2,000 Muslims.