
Orthodox Christians celebrate Christ's Ascension


40 days after Holy Easter, on Thursday, the Orthodox Christians celebrate the Ascension of the Lord Jesus into heaven. On this day, people greet one another saying “Christ has ascended!” and “Verily has He ascended!”. This holiday brings to date the events related by Holy Gospel that after His Resurrection, the Lord Jesus spent on Earth 40 more days. During that period, He showed Himself to His disciples, convincing them of the reality of His Resurrection. He ate and spoke with them about things everlasting. On the 40th day after His Resurrection, Jesus went to the Olives Mountain with His apostles and ascended into heaven after blessing them. Thus His mission on Earth ended through the slavation of mankind and returning to the heavenly Father. Jesus did not left the world by ascending into heaven, as He assured the apostles and everyone: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ” (Mat. 28:20). This year, the Orthodox Christians celebrated Christmas on April 27.