
Orthodox christians celebrate christmas today in the new style


Orthodox Christians are celebrating Christmas today, December 25, in the new style. Speaking to IPN, Father Constantin Olariu, spokesperson for the Metropolis of Bessarabia, emphasized that the Nativity of the Lord represents the moment when God expressed His complete love for humanity by sending His son to be born among people for our salvation.

"Orthodox Christians prepare intensely for this royal feast, primarily through the fasting that precedes it, by embracing all our ancestral traditions - traditions that are beautiful, soften our hearts and souls, and bring joy to everyone, especially children", said Father Constantin Olariu.

This celebration of the Nativity of the Lord brings us closer to one another, encouraging kindness and generosity.

"It is a time when we exchange gifts, offer congratulations, visit one another, and share joys. Certainly, all these things combined bring us closer to God as well, for through God’s shared love, we feel His divine warmth and affection", added Father Constantin Olariu.

The Church urges the faithful to pay greater attention to icons, give importance to meaningful words instead of empty talk, and focus more on prayer.