
Organized criminal group from SIS is protected by decision makers, retired colonel


An organized criminal group works as part of the Security and Intelligence Service (SIS) under the tutelage of decision makers of the institution, said retired SIS colonel Alexei Serebryanski, former foreign espionage chief.

In a news conference hosted by IPN, Alexei Serebryanski said that this group aims to discredit inconvenient persons, like SIS officers, politicians, public figures, and diplomats, and to incite interethnic hatred by denigrating the national minorities, especially the Gagauz people, to illegally manage Telegram channels and anonymous channels, to use journalists and opinion leaders for criminal purposes, to interference in the administration of justice, to steal and reveal secret information of the SIS. The retired colonel gave a number of names, saying that these were involved in the mentioned offenses. “Alexandru Esaulenco, Gumeniuc Racoviță, Cuzmin, Chumachenko, Pavliuc, and Ojog use the SIS and the operating potential of the Service in the interests of the Socialists and Igor Dodon,” said Alexei Serebryanski.

He spoke about SIS officer Alexandru Pavliuc. “Everyone knows that Pavliuc is the right-hand man of Dodon and the Socialists in the communication with Moscow. There is no secret that in 2019, Pavliuc was detached to Moscow by Esaulenco to work at the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in the Russian Federation as a SIS liaison officer in the collaboration with information and intelligence services of the Russian Federation: the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and the Federal Security Service (FSB),” he stated.

Alexei Serebryanski noted that Alexandr Pavliuc, while working in Moscow since 2019 until present, has used for evil purposes his status of representative of the SIS, abusing his power in the interests of Dodon. Profiting from his status of representative of the SIS, Pavliuc illegally collects information about the private life of Moldovan diplomats and employees of the Embassy, violating their intimacy.

The retired colonel also said that conditions are being created for persons who are close to and loyal to the Socialists to work at Moldova’s Embassy in Moscow. “Given the presidential elections planned for next year, Pavliuc already involves illegally his wife, who does not form part of diplomatic functionaries, in the Embassy’s relations with the diaspora. Pavliuc’s task is to mobilize the diaspora by the autumn of 2024, using the Embassy in Moscow in the interests of the Socialists,” stated Alexei Serebryanski.

He noted that according to unofficial reports, Pavliuc and some of the loyal Embassy employees worked out and implemented an illegal scheme to pay salaries/monthly allowances in cash to the diplomats and employees of the Embassy. Through this scheme, Pavliuc obtains financial gains from the differences in the exchange rate of the Russian ruble against the euro.

Alexei Serebryanski said that he informed the Prosecutor’s Office and the National Anticorruption Center about what he stated today and furnished them with all the proofs to substantiate his accusations.

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