Thirty remarkable figures have received the Order of the Republic, Moldova’s highest civilian honor. The awards have been offered by Maia Sandu today on the occasion of Moldova’s 30th anniversary of independence, which was celebrated on August 27.
The Orders have been awarded for contributions to the promotion Moldova’s image internationally, for professional achievements, as well as for civic spirit and full engagement.
“The list of laureates includes people of arts and economists, citizen activists and mayors, teachers and health care professionals, scientists and athletes. These are talents who have taken the country’s fame far in the world or who have worked with dedication at home to save lives, bring up generations and implement unique projects. And so - through hard work, tenacity and professionalism - they changed Moldova”, the President’s Office said in a press release.
Among those honored are remarkable figures who, although are no longer amongst us, have left an important mark in our country’s history, said the press release.