
Order of Republic awarded posthumously


A group of people Friday received state awards from President Nicolae Timofti in gratitude for their special merits towards the state and for long and prodigious work in their areas of activity and professionalism, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a communiqué from the presidential office, the first rector of the Police Academy “Stefan cel Mare” Tudor Rosca was awarded the Order of the Republic, which is the highest state award, posthumously. The order “Stefan cel Mare” was conferred on police colonel in reserve Valeriu Cerba, while the Order of Honor on writer Vasile Garnet, lecturer Petru Rosca, judge Petru Ursache, and Lukoil-Moldova director Feyruz Ysayev. The Labor Glory order was awarded to the head of the Chisinau Civil Status Office Tatiana Amihalachioaie, president of the Administration Board of Moldinconbank SA Svetlana Banari, director general of the Trade House “M. Hidromashexim” SA Valeriu Beregoi, director of the branch “Anenii Noi-gaz” SRL “Ialoveni-gaz” Valeriu Carlan; lawyer Ion Fediuc, lecturer Raisa Grecu, lawyer Gheorghe Grigoriu, president of the Administration Board of SA “Moldova-gaz” Alexandru Gusev. The same award was conferred on a mother of ten children from Susleni village of Orhei district, director general of SRL Grand Lift Victor Harjau, lecturers Ion Manoli, Silvestru Maximilian, and Elena Prus, judge Gheorghe Scutelnic, deputy prosecutor general Igor Serbinov, pro-rector of the Technical University Pavel Spanu, chief inspector of the State Ecological Inspectorate Stefan Stasiev, Chisinau Court of Appeals judge Alexandru Spac, lawyer of the Union of Lawyers Emilia Vermeiuc. The President also awarded such honors as the medal “Civic Merit”, the medal “Mihai Eminescu”, the honorific titles “Emeritus Person”, “Master of Arts” and “People’s Artist”. The last title was conferred on composer and singer Anatol Dumitras, and member of the Union of Plastic Artists Iurie Canasin.