
Orange code for precipitation and ground frost all over Moldova


The weather is expected to change suddenly from April 8 owing to a southern cyclone and unfavorable phenomena are predicted until April 11. The forecasters issued an orange code advisory for this period, covering the whole country, Info-Prim Neo reports. There will be rain on April 8-9, in parts heavy, which will turn into sleet. The roads will cover will ice and there will be ground frost. The northwestern wind will intensify to 15-20 m/s and even to 21-24 m/s temporarily. The average daytime temporaries will decrease by 9-11°C to 11-13°C, while nighttime temperatures will fall to minus 4°C. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the head of the State Hydrometeorology Service Ilie Boian said the sudden change in weather may affect the early sorts of apricot trees. “It’s good that the trees are not yet in blossom. But the trees in the city and in southern Moldova may bloom the comings days, when it will be warmer,” he stated. Those who own fruit trees are advised to protect them with smoke. After this cooling-off, it will become significantly warmer.