
Optimistic appraisals after first round of talks on Free Trade Area


Luc Devigne, chief negotiator on behalf of the European Commission, said he was satisfied with the results of the first round of talks on the creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Moldova and the EU. In a press briefing, the official said the first round held in Chisinau represented a preparation for the next round that will take place in Brussels in June, Info-Prim Neo reports According to Luc Devigne, the experts showed a high level of professionalism and this enabled to achieve the main goal of the first round of talks - to agree all the legal aspects of the agreement. The signing of the Free Trade Agreement with Moldova forms part of the EU’s neighborhood policy and ensures Moldova’s economic integration into the European community. The integration process was supported by the EU through the Institutional Capacity Building Program whose budget is € 41million. A part of the money will be allocated for adjusting the legislation and practices in 13 negotiated areas. Answering journalists’ questions, Deputy Minister of Economy Octavian Calmac, who is the chief negotiator on behalf of Moldova, said that all the tax concessions of the agreement will be discussed in the third round of talks that will be held in Chisinau in September. The Ministry of Economy made a series of sector studies based on which there will be compiled and negotiated a list of maximally advantageous concessions for the business sector of Moldova. ”The sides agreed during the next months to exchange statistical data on the commercial transactions and to formulate key recommendations for the concessions in a number of areas, especially the sanitary and phytosanitary sectors. There will be presented the legal documents that regulate the given areas and the roadmap for the implementation of the harmonized technical regulations and European standards,” said Luc Devigne. Moldova launched the preparations for the creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area in 2011, making a series of legislative and normative changes in 13 areas, based on the recommendations of the European Commission. The areas include: trade in goods and services, competition, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, customs administration, energy, public acquisitions, etc. The Agreement on the Creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Moldova and the EU will be multilateral and will be signed for an indefinite period of time. It will provide larger export benefits than the current Autonomous Trade Preferences and long-term predictability for businesses and for attracting foreign investments to Moldova.