
Opinion poll finds gender inequality in Moldova


The situation of men in the Moldovan society is more favorable than women’s, so that every third woman thought at least once in her life that it would have been better if she was a man, this index is 3-fold higher for women compared with men. These data are included in the opinion poll performed for the first time in Moldova by the “Partnership for Development” Center, within the frameworks of the project “Gender Barometer in Moldova”, with the financial support of Soros Foundation – Moldova. According to the poll, although at present women are determined to involve in work-related activities, their professional advancement is more difficult. In this way, 2 or 3-fold more questioned women had to suffer professionally because they are women. The poll shows differences between the perception of women and men, depending on the character, skills and daily interests. Women are seen as much more mindful (71.4%) and sensitive (71.8%) compared with men, who are considered more violent than women (54.0%). An important conclusion of the study is the fact that boys and girls are differently educated in the Moldovan society. If in the case of boys, the education is to a greater extent grounded on discipline, than in the case of girls - the basic principles are diligence, discipline and obedience. One of the studied problems referred to the perception of life in couples. In order to have a successful marriage, the majority of the respondents (67%) pleaded in favor of love, trust between partners, fidelity, mutual support and own dwelling. Although Moldova is one of the poorest countries, however, its population considers that for a successful marriage not the material values are the most important, but the spiritual ones. This perception was shared by the majority of men and women. As regards the household chores, the obtained results stress the superiority position of men in comparison with women. Wives are usually responsible for food, cleaning, washing clothes and dishes, as well as of the education and daily care for children; although ¾ of the respondents say that the responsibility of raising children belongs equally to both partners. Men are chiefly responsible for repairs of domestic equipment and are less engaged in outdoor tasks (animals, birds etc) where women’s share of participation is as well significant. In spite of the numerous household tasks, women are also responsible for shopping (48% of the respondents). According to the poll’s organizers, the necessity of making a research on this issue was caused by the fact that although lately Moldova has engaged in promoting the global movement of gender equality, this process is carried on inefficiently and worryingly slow. The lack of a mechanism which would coordinate activities in this field, the lack of continuity and sustainability in tacking this issue, and ignorance as regards gender equality are the main obstacles in strengthening gender equality in the country, the “Gender Barometer in Moldova” says.