
Opinion leaders from Chisinau speak about benefits of European integration in security context


Moldova is facing dangers and the European integration is a solution for ensuring security. Related conclusions were formulated by a group of opinion leaders from Chisinau in the program “Fabrika” on Publica TV channel, IPN reports.

Political analyst Ion Tabarta said that Moldova has been a geopolitical ‘trap’ for a long time. It was a territory for confrontations between the East and the West. Now the EU can play the role of savior.

Though they agreed that the visits paid by high-ranking European and American officials to Chisinau the last few days were made in the security context¸ the political analysts have contradictory opinions as to their importance.

Liliana Snegureac, head of the Resource Center “Dialog Pro”, said that these visits are signals of firm support. All the EU member states expressed their support for Moldova’s European course. Given the events taking place in Ukraine, there is room for fears. “I think that Moldova may stop making progress on the path to European integration. Such visits were paid mainly when there were signals that the country can deviate from the assumed obligations,” she stated.

On the other hand, ex-Deputy Foreign Minister Valeriu Ostalep said these visits are sterile and are aimed at helping improve the declining popularity ratings of the ruling Moldovan politicians. “The current power is not trusted by the people. These visits are designed to offset the lack of trust. It was Leanca who sought help,” he stated.

Director of the European Institute for Political Studies Viorel Cibotaru believes that the visits by high-ranking officials also pursue business goals. “Tusk came with €20 million. Each of these collaborations brings intelligence assistance and material support. We started to feel in a different way. Who in Russia showed sympathy to Moldova?” asked the analyst.

Over the last few days, Moldova was visited by MEP Monica Macovei and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The Romanian and Canadian foreign ministers will come to Chisinau in two days. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and officials from the U.S. Defense and Army Forces Command will arrive in Moldova on April 6.