
Opinion leaders condemn non-giving of vote of confidence to Leanca 2 Government


A number of opinion leaders criticized the fact that Parliament was unable to invest the Government. The experts stated their opinions on the issue in a special program on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

Antonita Fonari, deputy head of the National Participation Council, said the fact that the Government will not be given a vote of confidence was anticipated. “But I’m surprised that the people didn’t take to the streets to seek explanations from the lawmakers for not voting the Government. The people should mobilize because the politicians are playing with the people’s confidence. There are many bombs around us, directly and indirectly. Directly, I mean the war in the neighboring country, while indirectly – the difficult situation in the country, especially because we do not yet have an adopted budget,” stated Fonari.

Political analyst Vitalie Catana considers it is normal for a government to be invested by several attempts in a democracy, not yet in Moldova’s situation. “I cannot say I was surprised that the Government wasn’t invested, but politicians assured us that it will be invested,” he said.

Journalist Constantin Olteanu believes the MPs had to deal with problems deriving from personal interests rather than the investiture of the government and these problems came out after a vote of confidence wasn’t given to the Government.

Media analyst Cristian Tabara compared the situation with a bad movie with good actors. “The same day we saw two very bad movies, but with very good actors. One of them was shown in Minsk, while the other one in Chisinau. I’m disappointed. I thought that after so much demagogy about the country’s welfare and the national interests, a Government will be voted in. I believed in Voronin’s promising smile and in the patriotism declared by Ghimpu. These turned out to be good actors in a bad drama,” he stated.