Only state-run companies to be allowed to produce and sell armament and ammunition
Producing and selling military equipment, explosives, fireworks and any other fire weapons will be allowed exclusively to state-run enterprises. Friday the Parliament passed, in first reading, modifications to the respective laws, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The exceptions relate to the trade with gunpowder, hunting and sports weapons, parts and cartridges for them, as well as components to produce cartridges which are attributed to the Moldovan Hunters and Fishermen Society.
According to deputy minister of Economy and Trade, Iurie Muntean, entitling only the state-run companies to perform these operations is necessary to reduce the ways of disseminating explosives to terror organizations and to insure a stricter control of the state over the process from the production to the usage of armament.
The objections to the changes were put up especially by the Social-Democrat MP Valeriu Guma. He described the Government's initiative as an attempt to establish state monopoly and as a violation of the Constitution, which points out that Moldova has a market economy.
The bill has been approved of without the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) parliamentarians, who left the floor at the beginning of the sitting. AMN MP Veaceslav Untila has accused the Parliament of repeated ignoring the AMN's initiatives concerning “major issues” as the agriculture, the “heroine” case and the Convention on the frontier minor traffic with Romania.