
Only 28.4% of young men aged between 15 and 29 have jobs


Only 28.4% of the young men aged between 15 and 29, interviewed by the National Bureau of Statistics had a job. Of these, 3.6 % were unemployed, 68% - were economically inactive. The research “Youth on the Labor Market” was produced by the National Bureau of Statistics in the second trimester of the current year. At the moment of the study’s development from the total of inactive persons 60% carried an education form of which 22% were continuing their studies in institutions of higher education. Half of the young people, who didn’t have a workplace in the country and didn’t study in educational institutions, were declared by the members of their families as left abroad in order to work or find a workplace (45 % from the total of those declared to be abroad). The second half declared that they do not look for a job. The unemployment rate among youth reached the level of 11.3%, compared to that of 6.4% at national scale. The rate of unemployment among youth aged 15-29 was of 38% and from the total of the population of the same age category – 3.6%. Based on the criterion of the level of studies the research specified that 36% had gymnasium studies, 29% lyceum or medium general studies, 12.1%- secondary professional studies; 14.4% - medium specialized or higher education studies. Among youth aged 15-29 the number of females is of 52.7%. At the same time, the number of persons from the rural area was bigger – 55.7% than the number of those living in towns. It was also established that 43.7% of the young people were of 15-19 years old, 32.1% - aged 20-24 and 24.2% - 25-29. These data was attested by the National Bureau of Statistics as a complementary to the Working Force Inquiry.