
One year of submission of application. Secretary of state: We work on implementation of nine recommendations


The Republic of Moldova undertook to implement the action plan for putting into practice the nine recommendations formulated by the European Commission together with the granting of the EU candidate status to the country, said secretary of state of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stela Leucă. According to the official, the authorities decided to create 33 working groups that will play the role of coordinating the European integration process, IPN reports.

The nine recommendations of the European Commission refer to the justice sector reform, the electoral legislation, the fight against corruption, deoligarchization, strengthening of the fight against organized crime and recovery of assets, improvement of public services, the public administration reform, involvement of civil society in decision-making processes, strengthening of public administration’s capacities, protection of human rights and combating of gender-based violence. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the action plan for fulfilling the nine conditions is under implementation.

“The Republic of Moldova received a set of recommendations from the European Commission by which the European partners recommended initiating new reforms and continuing the launched ones. The plan for implementing these recommendations contains over 60 actions. Most of the actions refer to the justice sector reform. The Republic of Moldova worked to adjust the legislation concerning the Superior Council of Magistracy, to strengthen the political financing monitoring capacities of the CEC and worked out a concept of the deoligarchization law that was transmitted to the Venice Commissioning for appraisal. A public administration reform strategy for 2023-2030 started to be designed,” Stela Leucă stated in the program “Parallel 47” on Radio Moldova.

On Friday, Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Deputy Premier Nicu Popescu launched 33 working groups consisting of representatives of the authorities and civil society that will coordinate the European integration process.

“The working groups will aim to prepare the national planning and legislation harmonization framework. The responsibility of the working groups is to help accelerate the opening of the accession negotiations. The role of civil society is important not only for monitoring these processes. Civil society also takes part, together with the authorities, in defining the priorities and implementing them,” said the executive director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms Iulian Groza.

On March 3, 2022, the Republic of Moldova filed an application for EU membership following the example of Ukraine. Three months later, Moldova was granted the EU candidate status.