
One in three children at Mother and Child Center is born with anomaly


One in three children born at the Mother and Child Center has an external or internal anomaly. 80% of them are operated immediately after they are born. Lidia Dolghier, pediatrician at the Chisinau Mother and Child Center, told Info-Prim Neo that most of these children survive, but can remain with disabilities for life. The factors that lead to the birth of children with light or serious malformations include the polluted air, radiation, stress, unhealthy food, and some diseases. “The women have many diseases about which they don’t know,” said the doctor. Among the most frequent anomalies in newborns are the hemangiomas (benignant vascular tumors), sindactilia (union of two or more fingers or toes), leg malformations, and others. The doctors of the Mother and Child Center operate children with hemangiomas every day. They appear on the face, head and other parts of the body. Scars remain when some of the hemangiomas are removed. The cases of sindactilia were earlier rare, but now every section has by such a child. According to Lidia Dolghier, when an anomaly is suspected, they perform intrauterine operations. But in Moldova such surgery is not done. In Moldova, if an anomaly is detected in the fetus up to the term of three months by ultrasonography, the woman has the right to have an abortion. There are mothers who decide to keep the baby even if they know that the child will have a serious malformation. According to the data of the National Health Management Center, 641 chidlren with malformations were born in Moldova last year. 34 of them were born dead, while 39 died shortly after being born.