
Oncological treatment will be provided by private medical institutions as well


Private health facilities will be able to provide medical prophylaxis, diagnostic, treatment and surveillance oncological services from January 1, 2018. Parliament adopted in the final reading a relevant bill to amend the Health Protection Law, IPN reports.

According to bill authors, the only medical specialized institution, the Oncological Institute, is now overfull. By allowing private hospitals to serve oncological patients, the number of persons who need to go abroad for treatment owing to the long lines at home and the equipment that often malfunctions here because it is overused will be decreased. It is known that if a procedure is not performed on time, the efficiency of treatment can be equal to zero.

The law envisions the institution of the National Cancer Register that will be a complex system of collecting, storing and processing data about cancer incidence, prevalence and mortality nationwide. This will include the data reported by public and private health facilities. The National Cancer Register will be kept by the public medical-sanitary institution Oncological Institute in accordance with the regulations approved by the Government.