
On party lists or independently? Yes and no!


The Chisinau councilors and the candidates for councilor have divergent opinions as to how rational it is to run independently or on party lists in the elections. Some say the persons who run independently do not have chances to become councilor and only steal votes, while others say only the independent candidates can be really efficient in the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) because they do not promote party interests. Thirty-three candidates, 18 of whom independent, will be running in the June 5 local elections in Chisinau. Info-Prim Neo asked a number of councilors and candidates for councilor what composition the future Chisinau Municipal Council should have to work efficiently. [The independents do not have many chances of entering the CMC] {CMC chairman Ghenadie Dumanschi} said the parties have more chances of promoting their candidates in the local councils. When the candidates enter the Council, they need support for the projects that they propose. In the case of independent councilors, it is more difficult, said the Liberal-Democrat, who is running for a new term in office. However, it is the residents of Chisinau who decide how it is better, said Ghenadie Dumanschi. {The leader of the Communist faction Valery Pavlov} said the people are not interested who suggest solutions to the city’s problems, but what is done to solve them. The independent councilors have often good proposals, but do not have support in the Council. Even if the number of independents grew, they would not have more chances. On the other hand, a party has a leader and a program supported by a large team. However, Valery Pavlov considers the work of the local public authorities should not be politicized. {Candidate on the list of the Democratic Party Valeriu Cotaga} is convinced that the electoral battle should be between parties as they have teams. The independents do not have the necessary support in the Council even if they are very sincere and correct. “It is hard to convince 50 councilors in certain situations,” said Valeriu Cotaga. {Loretta Handrabura, a candidate of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova}, said the independents encounter difficulties in the Council as they are not supported by a team. They do not manage to promote initiatives. Loretta Handrabura considers that the independent councilors ultimately join one of the factions, volens-nolens, as their initiatives have better chances of being adopted than when serving as independents. Loretta Handrabura also said that some of the independents were sometimes party members. Even if they no more form part of those parties, the voters often associate them with the parties and give them their votes. It is important that the Council includes specialists from different areas so that they deal with all the problems of the city. The team should be experienced and knowledgeable, said the PLDM’s candidate. [Responsibility towards the voters] {Independent candidate for councilor Fiodor Ghelici} said the population can know directly only an independent candidate and the connection between people and a candidate should not be ensured through parties. Ghelici said an independent candidate assumes responsibility for fulfilling the electoral promises. Many of the independents had been party members and saw that there is no plurality of ideas inside parties, while most of the actions are dictated by a single person. The parties often look like a corrupt organization that do not bear responsibility. Another {independent candidate, Oleg Beregoi,} said the independents often have reduced chances in the elections because the voters do not have the possibility of knowing them. There should be created a forum or a website whereby the people can put direct questions to the candidates. “Those who have money have more electoral advertisements. The people often vote for a party, but do not know the candidates of this party. Many of the names of the candidates are unknown to the voters,” said Oleg Beregoi. [Ideal solution: 51 independent councilors] It would be ideal if the CMC consisted of 51 independent councilors who would be experts in different areas, considers {Liberal councilor Corneliu Pantea}, who does not run for a new tenure. He said the voters should have a certain degree of political culture and choose the real professionals. Until there is no political culture, the candidates should represent parties, which choose professionals for candidates. Corneliu Pantea said there will be 51 independent councilors in Moldova in the future, as in other countries. More candidates decide to run independently as the lists of the parties include persons who did nothing for a political organization. {Unaffiliated councilor Mihai Severovan, who is running as an independent candidate in the June 5 elections} said the CMC should include both independent councilors and councilors representing parties. “Every councilor should devote as much time as possible to promoting the interests of the community and the people,” stated Mihai Severovan. He considers that an independent councilor can often help solve many problems, but they should collect as many votes as a party and this is hard. If an independent enters Council, this is a powerful person. No independent won sufficient votes to enter the CMC in the local elections of 2007. [Elena Nistor, Info-Prim Neo]