
On Good Friday Orthodox Christians commemorate Savior’s passions and crucifixion


Good Friday, or Black Friday, is the day when Christians commemorate the trial, molestation, crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. As was the Jewish custom, a prisoner used to be freed on Passover. Roman governor Pilate tried to save Jesus from death, but, gave up, because of misunderstandings with the Jews. Having to choose between Christ and Barabbas, the multitude asked to free the malefactor and to crucify Jesus, crying: "His blood be on us, and on our children!" Jesus carried His Cross to Golgotha, where He was crucified between two malefactors, from whom one, recognizing His innocence and divinity, managed to get saved. According to Orthodox canons, the Holy Mass is not served on Good Friday, because even God’s Lamb is now sacrificed, and one should fast severely. On Friday evening, in churches they sing the burial service. The grieved believers pass under the Holy Table, as if passing through Jesus’ tomb, then they are conducted by priests around the church three times, once for each day of Christ’s staying in the tomb, Info-Prim reports.