
Oleg Serebrian: We want to bring Transnistrian region into Moldova’s legal framework


There is no longer any interdependence between the European integration process and the reintegration process. The European Union’s perception of the accession aspirations of the candidate states, in the absence of definitive solutions to conflicts on their territory, has changed, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegrating Oleg Serebrian said after President Maia Sandu earlier noted that the Republic of Moldova can integrate into the EU without the Transnistrian region. The official explained that the government’s priority is to bring the Transnistrian region into the legal framework of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

The Deputy Premier noted that the definitive settlement of the Transnistrian conflict is no longer a strict condition in the process of joining the EU. Today the European officials say that the European integration of the Republic of Moldova no longer depends on the resolution of the Transnistrian dispute.

“Surely, it would be better to have the Transnistrian conflict solved before we become a member of the European Union. The fact that Brussels is open to us and to the candidate states in general and does not impose the control of the whole territory as a condition only advantages us. Earlier, a lot of people permanently argued that the Republic of Moldova cannot become a member of the EU because it does not control the whole territory. This is the older approach of the European Union. The Cypriot model in some of the capitals was considered a less happy case that should not be repeated. The war in Ukraine changed the European states’ perception of the countries of the Eastern Partnership, especially the Republic of Moldova-Ukraine-Georgia trio. All these countries have more serious or less open unsolved territorial conflicts. During his visit to Chisinau, Josep Borrell said that there is no interdependence between the reintegration process and the European integration process,” Oleg Serebrian stated in the program “Shadow Cabinet” on JurnalTV channel.

According to the official, until 2030 the Moldovan authorities aim to bring the Transnistrian region into legal framework of the Republic of Moldova so that the territory from the left side of the Nistru is also prepared to an eventual accession.

“For example, things can be advanced in the customs sector, the fiscal sector, possibly the banking sector until 2030. The creation of a common customs space can help solve a number of economic problems. What we aim to do is to bring the Transnistrian region into legal framework of the Republic of Moldova. Most of the enterprises based there registered with the Public Services Agency so that they volens nolens comply with the legislation. We want the enterprises from the right side and the left side of the Nistru to benefit from equal conditions,” said the Deputy Premier for Reintegration.

Earlier, President Maia Sandu stated that the Republic of Moldova could join the European Union before the Transnistrian conflict is settled politically. The right side of the Nistru could integrate the first into the European Union, while the left side could do it later, when the citizens from the Transnistrian region realize the advantages of the European integration.