
Oleg Oniscenco accuses rulers of intimidating people willing to join his party


The author of the political project “Casa Noastra– Moldova,” Oleg Oniscenco, accuses the Ministry of Justice (MJ) of refusing to register his party, and the General Prosecutor’s Office (GPO) – of intimidating people willing to join the party, Info-Prim Neo reports. “Up to now, about 300 people from Leova and Stefan Voda districts were called to give explanations why they want to join the party,” Oniscenco stated on Tuesday, January 27, at a news conference. Oleg Oniscenco, who is also a municipal councilor in Chisinau complained that, when he asked the Ministry of Justice to return him the file for registering the party, he was told that the documents had been sent to the Economic Crimes and Corruption Combating Center (ECCCC). The Ministry suspects that one third of those 5,200 presented signatures are fake. “I don’t understand what ECCCC is meant for and why this body should be involved in this case. I understand that this center is used by the power for suspending the efforts made for strengthening democracy in Moldova,” Oniscenco said. He also said that MJ and GPO “intend to undermine the party “Casa Noastra – Moldova, to discredit the leader’s image and to stop the work of its members.” He also said that the MJ direction’s chief who coordinates the party’s registration is a SIS officer. “It is inadmissible that SIS controlled the process of registering the political parties,” Oniscenco said. “Casa noastra – Moldova” can’t announce its intention to take part in elections as a party, and that is a reason why negotiations with the Centrist Union are held, Oleg Oniscenco said. Asked by Info-Prim Neo, chief of the Justice Minister’s press service Anatolie Semionov stated that about 2 thousand of those 5 thousand signatures are obviously faked. “It could be easily seen that the signatures were false. This thing was also confirmed by the experts consulted by the MJ,” Semionov said, specifying that “no numbers of the signatories’ identity cards were included, and this runs counter to the law.” At the same time, the MJ representative said that “the big number of the presented false signatures has determined sending the documents to ECCCC.” The acts for registering the party were lodged at MJ in June, 2008, and at present the political project numbers 6 thousand members, Oniscenco states.