Old problems on new agenda
Three years after the launch, the National Business Agenda represents one of the best dialogue platforms between the state and the business, Liubomir Chiriac, executive director of the Institute for Development and Special Initiative “Viitorul”, said during the presentation of the National Business Agenda for 2012-2013, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The agenda was drafted with the participation of representatives of 30 business associations. It includes a series of priorities designed to contribute to the development of important sectors of the national economy, like the agroindustrial, transport, construction, information and communication technology and other sectors. As in the previous two agendas, the customs administration and fiscal administration remain the main problems reported by businessmen
“The entrepreneurs ask removing the exaggerated penalties when the intent on violations and the existence of damage caused to the state are not confirmed, allowing the companies to register as VAT payers immediately after they start work, reducing the fiscal burden on the sale stimulation measures, for example on the money spent on advertising,” said Ion Beschieru, expert of “Viitorul”.
Ion Lesanu, the representative of the Businessmen’s Club “Timpul”, said the number of inspections carried out at companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, has increased, but not all of these companies have legal services to defend their rights.
Constanta Popescu-Mereacre, adviser to the Prime Minister on economic matters, said many of the problems reported by the economic entities are being solved. Many aspects of the fiscal policy were taken into account when working out the fiscal policy objectives for 2012.
Veaceslav Ionita, chairman of the parliamentary commission on economy, budget and finance, said that in the process of drafting and adopting pieces of legislation, the legislative body cooperates with associations of businessmen, but the business community should also strengthen its analysis capacities.
The National Business Agenda is supported by the Chamber of Trade and Industry, the National Employers Confederation, the Union of Carriers and Road Workers, the National Farmers Federation of Moldova, the National Association of Private Companies and other business associations of Moldova. It is promoted with the assistance of “Viitorul” and its partners in the U.S. and Romania.